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Due date: April 5, 2017

Description of the assignment: I was supposed to make a cartoon like drawing using the computer, using 2 layers on pixlr and trying to copy the photo in a way.

Skills the assignment tested me on: Steady hand and patience.

Skills I need to work on: Be more patient when it comes to doing things like this.

Due date: May 15, 2017

Description of the Assignment: We had to create a mutant animal using as many animals as you'd like. I used a lion, a cat, and a rabbit.

Skills the assignment tested me on: Blending and morphing the animals together.

What I did well: My animal does look like a mutant animal.

What I need to work on:I need everything so it'll look more realistic and less like I've done it last minute.

Quarter 3
Quarter 2
Quarter 1

Quarter 4

Due date: February 26, 2017

Description: The objective was to crop out a person that is photobombing the photo by using the cloning tool in pixlr.
What this tested me on: It tested me on how accurate and realistic the photo would be after cropping out the photobomber.
What I did well: I managed to get the person photobombing the photo out of the photo without messing up the people in the photo.
What I need to work on: I need to make it a bit more realistic and be more careful when using the cloning tool.

Before                       After

Due date: February 13

Description: We had to edit ourselves into a different background by editing ourselves out of a green screen and pasting ourselves to the background.

What I did well:

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