This page contains work I completed in my 8th grade English class with Mrs. LaMadrid
Vocabulary (click on the photo)
Due Date: November 4, 2016
Description of Assignment: Learn new words and give the definition, an example, antonyms, synonyms, etc.
Skills The Assignment Tested Me On: Grammar, creativity on sentences.
Personal Reflection On What I Did Well: I gave synonyms and antonyms on the words.
Personal Reflection On What I still Need To Work On: I still need to work on checking for any slides that had anything missing.
PonyBoy and MonkeyMan:
Due date: December 5, 2016
Description Of Assignment: As an individual I had to identify a common theme between "Monkeyman" and "The Outsiders" and analyze how each author develops this common theme.
Skills The Assignment Tested You On: Finding a statement and supporting it with evidence
Personal Reflection On What I Did Well: Support my statement with evidence
Personal Reflection On What I still Need To Work On: Explain in more detail of my reasons.
My lovely cousin left.
Soon, a new family member arrived, his name was Alan.
Alan came from Mexico just to have a better life.
But, that wasn't the whole reason why he came.
He wanted to see his father.
I can relate to my dear cousin because we're kind of in the same boat.
We both share a problem, only his is more severe.
But that's okay, I still love him.
He buys me anything, takes me around, he looks like a super star which is an added bonus.
Even so, he has low self esteem.
It's as low as can be, you hit rock bottom, he has a pick axe.
He always seems to be off, blue.
He doesn't like showing it much though.
He likes being the sun, being and feeling yellow.
Alan is the sun for me, he's my favorite cousin after she left.

Due date: February 13-17, 2017
Description of assignment: I had to work on trying to write a vignette (poem) about something that matters to me and in this case, I chose my 2 favorite cousins.
Skills the assignment tested me on: Learn how to rhyme while also trying to tell a beautiful story like "The House Of Mango Street"
Reflection on what I did well: I told a good story about what happens with my cousins
Reflection on what I need to work on: I need to write the vignettes longer and try to use more rhetorical devices.